Wednesday, June 17, 2009

KS Here we come!

On the road! Our van looks very small as a shadow.
KS Here we come! All we have to do is click our heels or so we wished.....
Below are some of the pictures of us getting ready to leave, actually hitting the road and then arriving:
Our dear friends (I almost ought to say family :-) who are also our neighbors were so kind and invited us over for dinner during our packing. It was a huge blessing to not have to worry about cooking while the house was hectic! We are going to miss them sooooo much! Abby had so much fun with baby Elizabeth who for the record is the happyest baby on earth! (not to mention the cutest!) One of the greatest things about living in TX was our increadible neighbors. Every single one of y'all are like family! Come and visit us!!!!!!! :-)

One of my favorite moments in the moving experiance was seeing these guys pack the elk!!! HEHE !

And loading......

While traviling I saw this cross on a church and thought it was a beautiful reminder!

need I say anything? We are home!!!!
I thought the "electric couple" was pretty funny!Some pics from the farm:
Well I need to go for now but I hope to write another update some time this week and let you know what we are up to! Some of which includes: Tileing, planting our spring garden, and lots more!


Buttercup said...

cool!!! well, I posted a comment on your last post before I saw this post!!!! LOL. I miss y'all!!!!!!! come visit!!!!!! lol

Buttercup said...

btw, we pass that cross everytime we go to Kiowa. :) It is so cool!