Saturday, July 11, 2009

Past present and future! pt#1

Past: 4th of July!!!!!!! :


Cook out lunch!!!!!!!!

A ich???

And fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part of the grand fanalie!
This week we aquired several new members of the Printz animal family. Manda has always loved Dairy goats and she was so glad to get back to the farm where she could have a few. Well on thursday we went and picke out 2 Oberhasli does: Euphoria (we didn't pick her name) who is about 1 1/2 years old registered very sweet and she is currently milking. We also got a little kid goat who was born on May 9th! She is as cute as a botton and very friendly, she LOVES to follow us every where therefore her nickname "Shadow". We also picked up a bunch of Chickens some rhode Island reds and some barred rocks. Here are some of the pictures captured:
Supprise kiss!

following goatsters!!

Now can you understand why we call her Shadow??? :-)

Goat kisses!!!!

Looking out from the barn!

Euphoria waiting to be milked...

And being milked!

out to pasture!!!!

Baby Shadow:

Another beautiful sunset!
Thats all for now folks!