Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trip- Museam!

For years now we have wanted to go to the Creation museam but haven't had the time! We decided to take a trip out east to see our Neice/Cousin's wedding! On the way there we stopped at the AIG's Creation museam and had a wonderful time!

A bridge that is in MO I believe?

I loved this cross!

How do you pay for 2 hotel rooms for 2 weeks of vacation? You don't. You camp! It is wayyyyy better!
And Manda gets some practice with propane cooking! :-) eggs and pancakes anyone?
At the Museam!!!!!!!!!!!

Its gonna get you Daddy!

life size part model of the Ark!

And Dad says" We do that!" ;-)

tiny size ark


inside tiny ark
Well thats all I have time for!

1 comment:

Buttercup said...

what did y'all do???? I miss you, Manda!!!! Email me anytime! :D