Monday, February 16, 2009


The announcer for the rodeo... Neat huh???

Poor Johnny did NOT like the cannons!!!

Merit award Amanda's photo:
The quilt Amanda made for E.O!!! It got 1st place and Champion:

Amanda's photo 8th place:

Amandas photo Merit award (basically thanks for trying)

Amandas photo 4th place
Fifth place Beccas wreath:

Tenth place Amandas blueberry bread:

Becca's Cinnamon Orange swirl bread Merit award:

Ok fair.... Many of you have asked how we did and I feel soo bad that I haven't gotten this up sooner!!! Sorry! Here are some of the pictures! I tried to upload the video but it is not working... I WILL keep trying!!! I did not take pictures of everything at fair and that is why we did the video that will not upload. Again I will try but we will see.....

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