Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trip- Museam!

For years now we have wanted to go to the Creation museam but haven't had the time! We decided to take a trip out east to see our Neice/Cousin's wedding! On the way there we stopped at the AIG's Creation museam and had a wonderful time!

A bridge that is in MO I believe?

I loved this cross!

How do you pay for 2 hotel rooms for 2 weeks of vacation? You don't. You camp! It is wayyyyy better!
And Manda gets some practice with propane cooking! :-) eggs and pancakes anyone?
At the Museam!!!!!!!!!!!

Its gonna get you Daddy!

life size part model of the Ark!

And Dad says" We do that!" ;-)

tiny size ark


inside tiny ark
Well thats all I have time for!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Catching up!!!

Welcome to the sunflower state!!!!!!!!!!

Wow I have really fallen behind in Blogging! Oops! Just as an update, here is what is going on with our family right now:
Last night we got some bad news. The family that is currently renting to buy cannot get a loan to purchase the house. They want to leave at the end of this month. Please be praying that we will have wisdom in knowing what to do. This is pretty scary for us right now.

Next Monday Amanda is starting back up in college and this semester will be a hard one. Anything with math has always been hard for her so if you'd also keep her in your prayers we'd appreciate it!

On a better note an opportunity has come up in the goat world for the girls to get a free goat! Peanut butter is 21/2 years old and she will come to us bred with the understanding that we will give the previous owner a doe kid in return! This is great as it saves us approximately $400 in stud and goat cost! We should be able to pick her up in September-October.
A huge dragonfly Jo found:
Early morning toad!

HELP!!! We have summer squash coming out of our ears! Amanda figured our how to can the squash and came up with a recipie for squash pie. (it is just like pumpkin pie) Here is a small tour of about an 1/4 our garden:

An acorn squash not yet ripe:

A butternut squash also not ready:
A WATERMELLON!!!!!!!!!! Again not ready.....

This is our fireplace made out of limestone harvested from our property! Dad turned into Fred flinstone for a week and chipped away at the stone to create this beautiful fireplace! It isn't quite finished yet but it will be soon!
FAIR WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We always look forward to the CKFF fair! This year our friend Heather ran for CKFF queen! We are so proud of her!

Above is Heather in the parade and below is her picture on the Queen and King of '09 wall! And beside her picture is John standing next to some KS sunflowers!
A chainsaw artist made this at our fair, isn't it neat???
Niki's new appartment!!!:
And her kitchen:
I don't want to put too many pictures up or I'll get in trouble! ;-)

Here are 2 pictures from Jesse's 7th birthday!
John's hospital!!! (the one he was born in)

A beautiful flower right outside of the hospital!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Past present and future pt 2!

Alfalfa hay unloading for the goats!!!!!!!!!!

Our finished tile!
It has been quite awhile since I have posted! I've had several friends and relitaves tell me that I need to update.... oops! We have been very busy though! This past week was fair week and that just added to the fun and crazyness, as we tryed to continue remodeling AND go to fair. Alot has happened since I last posted so I will try to catch you all up:
Roofing the chicken house!
The beautiful Kirby house (even though it IS pink....)
YUMMY!!!!!!!! Manda went garage sale shopping with Niki and was treated to a Kiwi banana smoothie!!!!!!! It was so much fun to have a sister date!
3200 ave!!! (our road)
Cute kitty!!!!!
The down stairs cement during taping after cleaning!
After staining the tile.
Raspberry walnut goats milk fudge that turned into taffy!
Cheese cooking!
Well that is all I have time for today!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Past present and future! pt#1

Past: 4th of July!!!!!!! :


Cook out lunch!!!!!!!!

A ich???

And fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part of the grand fanalie!
This week we aquired several new members of the Printz animal family. Manda has always loved Dairy goats and she was so glad to get back to the farm where she could have a few. Well on thursday we went and picke out 2 Oberhasli does: Euphoria (we didn't pick her name) who is about 1 1/2 years old registered very sweet and she is currently milking. We also got a little kid goat who was born on May 9th! She is as cute as a botton and very friendly, she LOVES to follow us every where therefore her nickname "Shadow". We also picked up a bunch of Chickens some rhode Island reds and some barred rocks. Here are some of the pictures captured:
Supprise kiss!

following goatsters!!

Now can you understand why we call her Shadow??? :-)

Goat kisses!!!!

Looking out from the barn!

Euphoria waiting to be milked...

And being milked!

out to pasture!!!!

Baby Shadow:

Another beautiful sunset!
Thats all for now folks!