Hello Everybody!!! Sorry it has taken me so long to get this up here.....As a dear friend said in their letter better late than never! This year has been a busy one for us. We started the year in Tx trying to sell our house. It is a LONG story but we eventually did get it sold!!! :) Praise the Lord! On the last day of May we arrived back home here in Abilene Ks!! We are soooooo glad to be back!!! Fom May to October we were living out of what we brought from TX in our trailer. Yes we slept on the floor, well with air mattresses......... :-) the cheaters way! During that time we renovated the house by tearing up carpet, putting in tile, painting walls, fixing things, and building a fire place. (look back through the old posts) We also had a garden. I will start with the oldest Arhm, wisest in our family Daddy:
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after 25 years in the military Dad has retired!!!!! No really he has!!!! We are so proud of him serving all those years and providing for all of us. Thank you Daddy!!!!!! Now he claimes he wants to go back to work so he can get some sleep :-). Hehe!! Yes he is retired but no he dose not sit around watching the hunting network..... Instead he makes the house beautiful by fixing and remodling rooms, he gardens, chopps wood, builds things, hauls hay, and a million other things!!!!!!!!! He never stops!!!!! He love to go out on the morning to hunt and has already stocked our freezer with one young buck!!! Yummy!!
Mom, constantly complaining of old age.... Just kidding!!!! Mom's days go by as usual with homeschooling the remaining 5 Printz scholars and various other projects. She has found many new ways to cook our canned summer squash from the garden. She was also excited to come back and reunite with some of her friends. 4-h has kicked back into season Mom is always keeping our 4-Hers on track.
Niki, Well I'm not going to go and tell Nikis story for her, but I'll just give you a quick update: She is doing really well as a reporter at the Abilene paper, as a matter of fact one of her storys was published as an AP news article!!!!! BIG DEAL!!!!
http://www.abilene-rc.com/index.cfm?event=news.view&id=BE51C93F-19B9-E2F5-465451F9CE808133 that s a link to the article if you want to take a peek at it. This summer she moved into an apartment in town and really likes it there!
Manda, What a blonde! Well she LOVES being back and having her dairy goats.... Between college, farm chores, and her new job she is very busy! If it is not one of the already mentioned things it is a project or a new idea for the church! She has learned how to make yogurt, spreadable cheese, and mozzerella from the fresh goats milk.