Here are some old pics that I thought were neat!

Easter Lillys Mrs. G gave us! They are soooo pretty!

Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The elk all wrapped up for traveling.

Well we are moving again! This should be the last time though Lord willing. :-) I'm going to copy paste an email that I sent to most of our family and friends:
Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that we are in the process of moving from Harker Heights,TX to Abilene, KS. As I type this our house is wall to wall packed with boxes. Tomorrow the moving truck comes! In a short two days we will be leaving Texas. We are really sad to be leaving our friends here but very excited to be reuniting with our friends in KS! And let me not forget Niki! Some of you might accidentally get this email twice.Sorry! We are just trying to make sure that everyone knows what is going on with our family and we also want you to have our "new" phone number and address so we can keep in touch and hopefully have some visitors! If you wan to see what we are up to we now have a blog! here is the link: www.sprintzfamily.blogspot.com/ We won't have Internet for awhile when we get to KS but I hope that we can keep you updated as best as we can!When we get to the farm we are going to be doing some intensive renovating.We are planning on having our household goods in storage for 2 months and"roughing it" while we gut the bathrooms, texture and paint all the walls,replace all the flooring, and fixing various other things. We plan on building a huge metal barn to keep the hay, tractor, and animals in during those 2 months! Well we need to get back to last minute packing... I pray that the Lord will bless you all! The Printz family
I did not put our address of phone# up here just to be safe, if you do want our address and number let me know and I'll email it to you!